ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPERORA-02063: preceding line from DPLINK

ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPERORA-02063: preceding line from DPLINK


This error is caused due to lack of proper privilege for the database link to work.

SQL>  select * from dual@dplink;
 select * from dual@dplink
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-28009: connection as SYS should be as SYSDBA or SYSOPER
ORA-02063: preceding line from DPLINK


If the database link with sys user is not working , reproduce the error with another user. Check the username and password of source database not remote database. Specify the same username in remote database while creation of database link

--SOURCE database
SQL> create user test identified by password;

User created.

SQL> grant dba,sysdba,connect,resource,create session,unlimited tablespace to test;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> alter user sys identified by password;

User altered.

After specification of the correct username and password of source database in remote database link creation, the error got vanished

--REMOTE database
SQL> create public database link dpl connect to test identified by "password" using 'DPPROD';

Database link created.

SQL> select * from dual@dpl;


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